
CSS-Challenges Repository

Welcome to my CSS-Challenges repository! This repository is a collection of CSS challenges that I have created to improve my front-end development skills and explore different UI design concepts. Each challenge focuses on a specific aspect of CSS and web design.


I have set a goal to complete 30 CSS challenges, and I will be regularly adding new challenges as I progress. After reaching the initial goal, I plan to continue creating more challenges to further challenge myself and enhance my skills.

Feel free to explore the challenges, view the source code, and try them out yourself. I hope these challenges inspire you to improve your CSS skills and encourage you to participate in the front-end development community.

How to Use

To try out a challenge, simply navigate to the challenge folder of your interest. Inside each challenge folder, you will find an index.html file, a styles.css file, and any additional assets needed. Open the index.html file in your web browser to see the challenge in action.

Feedback and Contributions

I welcome feedback, suggestions, and contributions from the community. If you have any ideas for new challenges or ways to improve existing ones, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let’s learn and grow together!

Challenges List

  1. Simple Card
  2. Stylish Buttons
  3. Custom Input Fields
  4. Responsive Navbar
  5. Floating Sidebar
  6. Modal/Popup Window
  7. Image Gallery
  8. Animated Loading Spinner
  9. Toggle Switches
  10. 3D Card Flip

… (continue adding challenges as you progress)

(Contributors Kindly Refer to Contributors.md) Happy coding!